Wednesday, June 4, 2008


My name is Mimi and I work in the OCC Library, Des Plaines campus as a circulation/ILL clerk. I've been here almost a year and find the atmosphere and people very congenial. A special perk is having to charge and discharge books for patrons--that allows me to snatch up anything that looks interesting--and almost everything looks interesting!
After dreaming of it for twenty+ years, four years ago I turned what had previously been affectionately known as the "den of iniquity" in my home (i.e., the room where I shoved everything when company came and closed and barred the door) into my personal library with a custom-made floor to ceiling bookcase two books deep. After years of having to keep track of which bookcase or carton or pile contained which book, I could finally shelve them all! It is a continuing source of joy--and occasional guilt: Does anyone need this many books??
While I will read almost anything--including cracker boxes [have you read the box for Toppers? it's a scream!]--my current favorite is scifi/fantasy. During my stint as a grade school librarian, I discovered there are some wonderful YA authors (besides Madeleine L'Engle, Ursula LeGuin and Lois Lowry) writing fantasy these days so I haunt the scifi adult and YA sections of area libraries. Currently I am reading Sharon Shinn's newest book Reader and Raelynx, having just finished all of Laura Childs' "Tea Shop Mystery" series, preceded by Dancing by the Dead Sea and to be followed by The Pig Did It. I really do read anything and everything!
My great love every year, come spring, is baseball, specifically, the Cubs. I'm almost afraid to say anything about it this year because it seems like a miracle season. I mean, when did you ever go to bed with the Cubs losing and wake up to find they'd won--again--big time? Of course, it's only taken a century but even so...